Wednesday, August 13, 2008



I have completed several posts now and they have been relatively easy to do. I mean, telling you about my family is easy. But up til now I haven't posted about anything tough. I don't want you to get the wrong opinion about me, thinking that since I only post about sweet, easy things, I don't struggle with larger issues...perish the thought!
We're coming up to a rather significant election in November. I had been thinking for several months that I would simply not vote. I haven't been blown away by either candidate. I think there are pros and cons to both. But the main reason I had decided this is because I don't think that the person in the White House has much to do with how I live my life as a Christian.
I got to talk to a sweet friend of mine who is fortunate enough to be living in France for the next few years. Heatharlyne always gives me things to think about and I guess that's one of the things I like best about her. She explained to me that Europeans are horrified at the apathetic view most Americans have regarding politics. She said that they consider it very irresponsible for us to take so little concern over what our country does when it effects the whole world. She noted a friend from the UK who was talking about our housing market slump. Very soon after ours tanked, Britian's did too. Our globe has gotten smaller and America is such a powerful country that for good or bad, America has enormous influence.
Which all leads me to seeing my previous view as rather self-centered. "The President doesn't really effect ME;I don't care who it is." Maybe this is part of my American-ism. It is hard to see past my own self. But here's my new quandry: Should I vote for the person who I think will keep America strong (because a strong America is good for the world) or should I vote for someone who will promote equality and justice even if that weakens America. Hmmm...
Of course, there's no way to boil down McCain and Obama to those two things but you see what I mean. If I can't figure it out I still may not vote...but I'm thinking about it more now.
Thanks a lot, Heatharlyne!


Linda said...

one of my very dearest friends posted something on her blog about politics. Her sister (her SISTER) called her ignorant and embarrassment to her family (she and her siblings do NOT get along, as you can tell).

My friend is neither ignorant nor uninformed. Rather, she is a VERY conservative Christian woman who does not see how putting one man in office (who has denied Christianity in a book, and who has claimed one part of his heritage over another) will help us.

I have said that I think I will write my vote in...for God. Because He is the only person who can affect the changes that we need. Of course, I can just sit back and wait for the changes that WILL happen....perhaps that is what this election is setting us up for....

Anonymous said...

You're welcome! It was great talking with you yesterday. I always have something to think about when I talk to you, as well.


Brian said...

Linda's comment - "I have said that I think I will write my vote in...for God. Because He is the only person who can affect the changes that we need."

Yes - BUT God's effectiveness is manifested through His people, so the election is very important.

The only problem I see is that we cannot elect Bush for a 3rd term. He has been consistantly faithful throughout his presidency, poll numbers and approval ratings be damned. What the liberal media fails to bring to light that Bush's ratings are in the mid 20's, but congress - which is majority democrat, is in the low teens.

Based on my debates with Eric, you know where I stand. I think the justice spoken of in scripture does not equate to justification of sin - AKA democrats social and domestic policies. I agree that McCain is the better of two very lackluster candidates, but all we have are two choices. Obama is one of the most radically liberal senators of them all. He has never governed or been a part of anything significantly legislative in his short 3 year tenure.

He is nothing more than a "rock star" polititian that supposedly is a dynamic speaker (I personally thinks he stutters through everything except pre-written speaches). He is the first black main party candidate who potentially is about to make history, and everyone wants to jump on board to be in the spot light with him. That's not racist, it's truth. Just look at republican senator Chuck Hagel who scurried around Europe with him.

Yikes... I've said a lot. Well, again, you know where I stand. Welcome to the politics debate!

Anonymous said...

I am looking forward to not having Bush in the White House, and HOPEFULLY not one of his followers either! Obama wasn't my pick from the start, but after what my pocketbook has went thru in the last 7 years, I'll vote for Donald Duck before voting for a republican. Republicans are too much about themselves - the rest of the world be damned. One of the most recent examples is Bush "demanding" Russia withdraw. In the first place, Russia was stricking back - they didn't attack first. In the second place, who does Bush think he is?? Obviously - God. He's condemning Russia (albeit in error) invaded a soverign territory - what does he call what the U.S. did in Iraq?? Oh yeah - that's right - the U.S. are "freedom fighers." The U.S. has got to get out of the mindset that we know what's best for everyone.