Monday, September 1, 2008

Time Flies

Jaylie opened her presents today, Sept. 1. She isn't officially 3 until tomorrow at 12:45 or so but since Eric and my Dad were off work and Isaac was out of school we decided to open gifts today instead of making her wait until after supper tomorrow night. She got quite a bit of playtime this way.

So now she is 3. A baby no longer. And we have achieved an important milestone in the Livingston house: there are no 2 year olds living here anymore! Ethan turned 2 in May of 2006 and since about 4-3 months prior to that time (he started early), we've had someone in the midst of 2-ness. Those of you who have folks who are 2 know what I am talking about. I do enjoy my children, no matter what phase they are in, but the 2's aren't my favorite. I do think I'm getting better at enjoying the 2s but I am happy to be ushering in a new phase of life.
It always surprises me how quickly time flies. We have been in MS now for 2 1/2 years; Jaylie was 6 months when we got here--still nursing and napping, barely sitting up, bald. Now, she's still napping...and that's where the sameness ends. She's not only not bald, she has masses of curls. She's the least picky eater of the 3. She's funny and sweet and observant and smart and just plain wonderful.

I think every gift she opened today was either pink or somehow princess related or dress-up related. She is very pleased with her haul! I had to go re-arrange some things in her room to get it all in there!
Here's some pictures to catch you up. Happy Birthday Darlin.

Here she is telling us she's 3 years old
Here she is overlooking her bounty

Here's her cake that I made, nothing fancy, but she wanted princesses.

This is Jaylie on her birthday last year. ( I love this picture!)
This is Jayie (and me) on her 1 year old birthday
Here she is when she was brand new...I'm a little choked up now


TexasNeals said...

she's precious, dixie! happy birthday, jaylie!!! talk about bounty!!! she got the mother load!!! :) glad it was a fun day.

cmclean22 said...

happy birthday jaylie! we miss you guys!

Anonymous said...

Just got caught up--I'll second that time flies. Our first day of school was yesterday, and I can't believe mine are in first and third grade (or their French equivalents anyway)! Tell Jaylie "Happy Birthday" from the Wilkes', whom she'll not remember!


jduckbaker said...

Three! Wow- right before we left Ethan had his 2 year old Elmo cake birthday. Time flies!

Thanks for the comment about the recess thing. I'm learning a lot about education right now- more than I ever did in my "education classes"!

A side note/question-
Heatharlyne is in France? What are y'all doing in France? She should be blogging to let us in on what it's like to be living over there!

Back on topic-
Jaylie is so sweet and cute. I love her beautiful hair! Sweet sweet sweet!

Shanda Boatright said...

Happy 3rd Birthday Jaylie!! (I'm a little late). I am loving the curls...she is too cute.!

Anonymous said...

Such a sweet girlie girl she is with all those curls! I can't believe she is three already. Love you, Jaylie, Grandma