So that's the big picture, here's some small things that I like about this event:
1: LOTS of parents and grandparents come, and younger siblings too. This is one time where parents are really encouraged to participate. Lots of times, space is an issue and therefor it is difficult to have everyone show up. Not so for the Feast.
2: Mrs. Rigsby is available. Mrs. Rigsby is our principal and I think she is just the BEST! Every week, on at least one day, she is outside greeting kids as they get out of the car. She hugs on them and knows their names. Our school is just for K-2grade so our kids are really young and need LOTS of loving. Mrs. Rigsby and her teachers love our kids really well. For the feast, she's outside (in her heels) visiting, hugging, laughing with parents and children. She makes us feel welcome.
3. Our school is full of very different kids. As you can see from the pictures, we have a very diverse group of little people who laugh and play and love each other. I love this. It reminds me of when I was in elementary schools on military bases. I just love melting pots.
4: Being in the Bible belt, mentioning God never raises any eyebrows. I remember when Isaac was in kinder, a man from the Parks and Recreation Dept. was talking to the kids about natural resources. As he explained what natural resources were, he said, "If God made it, it's a natural resource." Today, in the book the librarian read, it mentioned thanking God at Thanksgiving time. I know that MS schools get a bad rap about lots of things, and there is room for improvement of course, but I am glad that most---if not all---of the teachers my children encounter share a love of the Lord that is like mine.
I'll wrap it up and share my pictures now. Just a note though. Jaylie SO wants to be in school. She loves going to Ethan's school and most of the teachers know her by name and think she's adorable (obviously) She still has 2 more years though. But when it's her turn, watch out! Oh, and Ethan's Indian name is Brave Bear Hunter:)